Whats considered professional for a personal portfolio domain name?

Say my name is Peter Griffin, the ideal name would be petergriffin.com, but for most of us now most of these firstnamelastname.com domains are gone.

Some domains like .xyz or .site are cheap but they look tacky, what if petergriffin.com wasnt available but griff.in was, whats your standard run of the mill hiring manager going to think looking at a domain like that?

I realise all of this is subjective, just looking for peoples opinions on the subject.

I think yourname.com is the best since we’ve been conditioned for decades to associate .com with businesses, particularly big and established businesses (because you remember those). That said, I think there are non-tacky alternatives like .tech for example. If I was a hiring manager I wouldn’t hold it against the applicant as long as the whole link ‘made sense’ so to speak. Not joeschmoe.banana, or a122453.xyz or anything like that.

What people are going to think if they look at your website URL is that you wanted a cheap domain name. If you really want people to look at it (which most people who view your resume won’t do, so please make your resume speak for itself) then you probably want something easy to type without errors followed by a .com. Many people who look at your resume will be handed a printed copy or emailed a pdf that may not have any hyperlinks.