Where do I put an image for my pen?

I’m working on the product landing page challenge and I can’t get the images to show up. I can’t pay for the pro service, so where do I put it so I can use it on the pen?

You should be able to upload your images to github repository and link them from there.

I’m using the pen.io interface for the challenge. I have an account at github but haven’t learned to work with it yet.

OK, the file is there. How do I use it on pen.io?

I am not sure how pen.io works. You should be using codepen though :slight_smile:

Once you have your image file on github, use that adress and put it in your img tag. For ex:


Sorry, yes, codepen.io.
For github, does the image have to be public, maybe? Do I need to make a pull request?

The image URL is: https://github.com/tnmorgen/images/blob/master/logo-1.jpg

That’s the URL for the location in the repo. The actual URL for the image you want to use is: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tnmorgen/images/master/logo-1.jpg

You want to right-click the image and “Copy Image Address” for future reference.

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Thank you! You’ve been so helpful!

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Happy to help! Good luck on your product landing page!