I’m about to start my landing page project, and I assume that I’ll want to use some images of the product (or things related to it). It seems like using images from google images is a bad idea, because they usually belong to other companies and I don’t want to get in trouble.
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There are websites specifically for creative commons images, but you can also filter a google image search for CC license.
I had no idea that filter existed, thanks!
Just don’t put too much faith into it. For the fCC projects, I’m sure it’s fine, but for professional work, you really want to make sure about the licence. But it usually works pretty well, I’m just letting you know.
Unsplash is pretty nice. You are encouraged to use their CDN (hotlinking) and they give some nice URL parameters, for example, for setting the resolution and compression.
Here are some additional resources -
patterns: https://www.toptal.com/designers/subtlepatterns/
video: https://coverr.co/