Which IDE are you using for Java Script

Hey guys, I’m wondering what IDE you use for Java Script. I’m using Visual Studio Code, but it doesn’t seem to be too efficient.

What is your tool…

atom’vscm’codepen thats-about-it

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Cool! What is Atom providing you that you love?


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At work I use WebStorm. For smaller projects I either use SublimeText or an online tool like repl.it or StackBlitz.

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Personally, I like to code on VS code and either run the program in my local browser if the project suits that or, what I like to do the most because I enjoyed working with DOS as a kid, to run the .js scripts in Node. To me, there is something really cool about running scripts in the command line, which reminds me of the DOS prompt. I quite dislike running scripts in the integrated terminal, probably because of wanting to save screen space. But I also don’t like my script disappearing when I close VS code. To me, they are separate programs.

Happy coding everyone!

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I use IntelliJ IDEA, which is well worth the $150/year price tag.

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Yeah I get what you mean. What is being annoying for me is to not be able get VSC to run the node part smoothly while I code js. Gives me a bunch of errors all the time. I’m probably doing something wrong. On the fcc exercises I put the right code but I don’t get the result of my code, hence wanting to see the result somewhere else.

I heard about it but I don’t feel I need it yet :slight_smile: just starting.

VS Code. I also have Brackets installed, but i’m quite pleased with VSC. I have some experience with Sublime Text and Atom before. But coming back now, I’m happy with VSC. For no particular reason, really…

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I would suggest checking out the Quokka extension for VSC.

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My favorite feature of IDEA: Nyan Cat progress bars:

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