Which Technology learn: Angular1, React, Angular 2


I am starting the Dinamic web app from the backend challenges and I would like to know what do you think should I learn.

From the first projects I get the sense of Node, Expresss and Mongo, but in the FCC curriculum is not really clear what should we learn in order to complete the projects. I understand that most of you will say, whatever you want, or is a matter of preferences but for someone who the only education provided on coding was from FCC, can feel really lost.

So, tell me, What do you think We should learn to complement the Mongo, express Node stack that can be beneficial to look for a job in the near future, and for complete the projects.

I would like to start looking for a job after finishing the 5 backend projects that I have left (4 months I guess).

Thanks for all the answers!

excellent question, im just starting the dynamic backend projects as well and researching now. I think there are multiple ways to do them, but will learn the MEAN stack to do them I think. I’m kind of thinking should I start with Angular 1 or 2 tutorials first. And are there any good Angular 2 resources yet?? here arr a few resources I will go through myself now



I’d say to go ahead an count out Angular1. Within the next few months, A2 is going to be released and if you’ve started on A1 all of that progress will be dated. A2 is sufficiently different from A1, that not a lot of your A1 knowledge is going to carry over.

The Angular2 documentation is great and getting better all the time. Check out angular.io.

I’ve been working on a course on Udemy called Angular 2 with TypeScript for Beginners: The Pragmatic Guide and it’s been great. I’ve already built my Markdown Previewer and Camper Leaderboard with Angular2.

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I prefer to learn both Angular 2 and React. Just get started with Angular 2 first because you will get familiar with Typescript etc from Angular 2

I recommend not to choose framework, but to choose a company(ies) which is(are) behind it. Consider background, expertise, industry segment etc.
Hype is cool (subjective opinions are considered hype, also), but it is quite nonscientific and not wise to make choices based on it.

Think whose approach is better for you as a developer in future, which company has values which will help you to achieve you your desired professional goals in the long run.

React, info source: is an open-source JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It is maintained by Facebook, Instagram and a community of individual developers and corporations. Facebook info source is an American for-profit corporation and an online social media and social networking service based in Menlo Park, California.

Angular info source: is a TypeScript-based open-source front-end web application platform led by the Angular Team at Google and by a community of individuals and corporations to address all of the parts of the developer’s workflow while building complex web applications. Google info source is an American multinational technology company specializing in Internet-related services and products. These include online advertising technologies, search, cloud computing, software, and hardware.

It may or may not be reasonable to learn both, depending on what future would you like for yourself as a developer. But it should be considered that consistency is still one of the keys to professionalism.

Frameworks are built for specific use cases. You want to build a single page app that could get complex, and you want to keep that complexity fairly low even as the app gets big? Maybe React. You want a dashboard and/or a lot of forms? Maybe Angular. You want to render HTML pages on the server and have as little JS as possible? Maybe just use JS. FCC doesn’t prescribe one or the other because of this; it is generally useful to pick a framework only if it’s needed, not learn a framework and use it for everything.

Re jobs, Angular is quite common in enterprise (it promises an all-in-one solution). React has massive traction, is very useful for for SPAs (+ there’s React Native for mobile apps). React is used by Facebook itself, and for Netflix & Pinterest’s interfaces for example. Google itself doesn’t really use Angular in anything much public-facing afaik (it’s difficult to maintain ng apps as they grow in complexity for one thing). It uses its web component framework Polymer for [the web versions of] the Play stores, for Inbox etc; ng-1 was only used for a few internal [dashboard] tools, ng-2 not sure (possibly the PS4 YouTube app?).