Hello, maybe i’m wrong here but i’m just frustrated, right now.
All i wanted to do was to backup an existing database table from my postgresql server and restore it on another database within the same postgres server.
Since i post here, it did not work and right now seems to be much more difficult then i thought.
I did some research on the web and even asked chatGPT. Besides i wasn’t able to understand, what the people on stackoverflow have been doing to solve said problem (i don’t want to just execute some random scripts from the internet. i want to undestand what i’m doing) i was asking chatGPT. And even that program told me that, to do so, is not very simple.
And this is just so annoying… I just want to do one simple task. Backup an database table with the data it holds and import it into another database so that there is my table with the data.
Coding itself doesn’t seem too complicated to me (most of the time i can figure it out with research eg google or chatGPT (for advice not actually coding)) but when it comes to databases or stuff like styling frontends where there seems to be tons of different options is just exhausting.
Even if this sounds lazy but i don’t want to spend days just to be able to do some simple database operations…
Am i alone with those problems or are there other people too?
I think most for me is about: I want to get to my goal quickly.
Not like i can’t work on my project for a few weeks straight. It’s more about being stuck over a single problem for an entire day…
This is why people learn how to write scripts. So they can automate all the stuff that is so onerous to remember but that needs to be done on occasion. Maybe once you figure it out, turn your frustration into a script!
Edit: also did you know that lazy people make great programmers? Think about it…
Hey, thank you very much!
Actually i even found the courage to look my issue up again. And i think, maybe i found a solution.
I will try that tomorrow and if this solves it, i will definitelly add it to my “script library”.
Thanks for replying! <3
Wish you a nice day/or night (whichever it is for you)
//Edit: I did know about that fact, yes. But still most of the time i don’t feel like a good programmer at all. More like someone trying out different things.
But maybe this will come one day.
Thanks anyways.
I’ve been watching a lot of videos about programming and developers, especially self-taught because I’m learning by myself. And the common thing that all experienced programmers and developers mention is the ability to stick to solving a task. I think the fact that you’re searching and trying to find answers and not just give up is a sign that you’re doing the right thing. It’s really not about motivation, it’s about consistency.
Database tasks can be a pain sometimes. You’re not alone. Have you tried using pg_dump and psql? pg_dump -U your_username -d your_database -t your_table > your_table_backup.sql ; psql -U your_username -d your_other_database < your_table_backup.sql ; Hope this helps!
I searched up something like that and i wanted to try it out.
But wasn’t able too because i was sick until yesterday.
If next week i will be fine again, i will go back to fixing this problem.
Thank you for the advice! This looks definitely familiar altough i haven’t tried out any of the researched commands yet.