World Cup Database Project Not Passing Even Though Queries Work

16 Friday 2025


I’ve completed the World Cup Database Project in the Relational Database Certification, but FreeCodeCamp still says “Project Not Finished.”

worldcup.sql contains all CREATE TABLE and INSERT INTO statements. correctly inserts 24 teams and 32 games. produces output matching expected_output.txt
I’ve resubmitted multiple times, but it still isn’t passing.

What am I missing? Any help is appreciated!

My GitHub Repo: GitHub - natajaneen/Build-a-World-Cup-Database

Thank you, I appreciate all the help that I can get. Have a blessed rest of your day!

Warm Regards,

if the workspace has lost connection to the freeCodeCamp account, you will need to create a new workspace. You already have the files so you can recreate the database and the .sh file from those. Then try running the tests in the new workspace, then go to the freecodecamp page and reload the page, then try to submit again there.

16 February 2025

Good Morning,

Thank you so much, for helping me with this. I did both projects over a lot, the celestial I did at least 11 times, and world cup six times. I will try again, because I refuse to give up.

Warm Regards,

you do not need to redo them completely, use the dump you did to restore the database in a new workspace