X++ vs ++x and x- - vs - -x

whats the difference

The difference is how it is evaluated.

  • ++x, we are using the Prefix incrementor, which increments the value and then returns the result.
  • x++ is the Postfix incrementor, which returns the value of x and then performs the increment.
let num = 0;

console.log(`Num is ${num}`);
// "Num is 0"

console.log(`Prefix increment (++num): ${++num}`);
// "Prefix increment (++num): 1"
console.log(`Num is ${num}`);
// "Num is 1"

// but watch what this does:
console.log(`Postfix increment (num++): ${num++}`);
// "Postfix increment (num++): 1"

// but while that shows 1, `num` is now 2!
console.log(`Num is ${num}`);
// "Num is 2"

This is taken from the official docs:

If used postfix, with operator after operand (for example, x++ ), the increment operator increments and returns the value before incrementing.

If used prefix, with operator before operand (for example, ++x ), the increment operator increments and returns the value after incrementing.


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