My development website, I'd love to hear what people think

Hi Matthew,

I like the effects, especially the particle ones, but I think some animations are a bit too long (for example the ones of the buttons in the navbar). I’d also stop the animation loop in the navbar after some iterations because it tends to distract the user from the content of your website. If you stop them though, you’ll need some other visual cue for the active element (maybe a different colour for the text).

The pictures took a bit of time for me to show up. I can’t inspect them but I’m using a 4G connection at the moment, which should be kinda fast. That makes me think they must have a very high resolution.
I suggest you to have the pictures in different resolutions and serve the correct one based on the client’s screen width.
You can do this either with CSS media-queries or with img’s attribute srcset (take a look at this answer from @DanCouper : Images with different sizes and quality?).

I also think that making the text in a light color rather than black would make your website more accessible. At the moment there isn’t enough contrast because also the background is dark.

Lastly, for the contact form, I’d move the “contact me” text closer to the form and more away from the navbar. Also I’d put the submit button on the right side (but this is just a personal preference).

Good job :slight_smile:

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