A bug, I guess?

I just proceeded to the full stack developer curriculum. I’m supposed to be finishing JavaScript now, but I tried to finish some steps in html.

after finishing the basic html section, I got this:
Certified Full Stack Developer Curriculum bug

as you can see, I’m 70/68 steps complete lol, I already exceeded and it still doesn’t have a checkmark on it HAHAHA. :rofl:


This is a bug :joy: Can you report the issue to Freecodecamps gituhb? I’ll guide you through if you are unfamiliar.


sorry, I just seen this. sure, will report it.

just made a new issue in github: https://github.com/freeCodeCamp/freeCodeCamp/issues/57948

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oh sorry, there’s already an issue created by @stephenmutheu.

this issue is now closed as a duplicate.

Are you still experiencing this issue? For me, it was there but now everything is alright.

it still there