A Personal Portfolio Project Challenge Feedback

Hi. i just recently finished my R.W.D. course and I am exited to show you guys my last project challenge.
I would like everyone to give me some tips and advise so i can apply them and improve my future websites and users visual experience.

Here’s my Codepen.


Hey @seekinfox, congratulations on your Responsive Web Design certification! :partying_face:

Be welcoming to feedback is important, but don’t concern yourself with that for now, because once you keep moving forward to the next challenges, you will learn new concepts and consequentially realize that there is always room for improvement.

How about some Javascript for the next chapter?

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definitely @PinheiroCosta. My next course of action will be to learn JavaScript fundamentals.
I have a very little idea on how JavaScript is applied in Web Development.
Any guidance will be helpful .

Hi @seekinfox !

I think your page looks good.

For me, I think it would be nice to have the cursor pointer for the send button.
Also, you might consider centering the form and seeing if you like it in the middle.

Javascript adds interactivity to your site.

For example, a mobile navbar or hamburger menu would use javascript.
Every time a user click on that menu it will open or close.
You have to implement that logic with javascript.

There are plenty of cool things you can do with javascript in your websites. :grinning:

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yes, i was definitely missing something there.

I am exited. I will learn more about these after i complete my JS course and get my basics done.

Your portfolio looks good @seekinfox. Some things to revisit;

  • Run your HTML code through the W3C validator.
    • There are HTML syntax/coding errors you should be aware of and address.
    • Since copy/paste from codepen you can ignore the first warning and first two errors.
  • Codepen provides validators for HTML, CSS and JS. Click on the chevron in the upper right of each section and then click on the respective ‘Analyze’ link.
    • The one for CSS is good. Use it and address the issue(s). (be wary of duplicating selectors)
    • (The one for HTML misses things which is why I recommend W3C)
  • Have the links to your projects open in a new tab

On a side note I noticed your survey form and tech doc page are not responsive.
Remember, the R in RWD stands for Responsive. There’s a horizontal scrollbar on large and small screens.

I didn’t look any deeper at your previous projects.

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Thank you.
That was a Big Advise.

Yes. I did not use the responsive design on any of the previous projects, only Personal Portfolio Project is an exception.
As i have gained more experience in using flexbox, grid and @media i will surely apply them and improve my projects as well as my skills.


Wow. I never knew my markup had so many errors.
Thank you.

Hey @seekinfox, congratulations…
I love your color mixing…

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Thanks. @shinn_thant
appreciate it…

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