Are my portfolio projects worth it?


I started learning full stack development few months back, and now I have worked in vanilla JS, react, angular, next.js, mongodb. I have plans for a PERN stack app as well.

now I have few projects to showcase.I made sure that all projects are screen responsive.I have all the designs on figma so these are as close to as real websites are:

  1. An ecommerce app/web in next.js with lambda functions and mongodb atlas as database and with everything functioning like cart,user management etc. (to be completed in a few days). utilizing react context, zustand as well. Used kaggle datasets for products and reviews etc with some random generated data for product’s variations.

  2. A frontend design of a bank with all pages(6) on website in react typescript.

  3. A frontend design of a school with all pages(6) on website in react typescript.

  4. A frontend design of a online course institute with all pages(5) in react JS.

  5. A streaming company website frontend in Angular.

  6. A Transport company design in plain HTML and CSS (single homepage).

I would like to know your thoughts about that whether this would be beneficial or will satisfy the employer in securing a remote(it’s imperative) junior fullstack or frontend role ? Or should improve more before starting applying to jobs ?

I also have a little bit knack of DSA on leetcode(solved around 150 q’s and beat 90%), and I am confident that if I prepare for it then I can crack DSA questions as well when necessary.

bringing this up to see

Hi @stuckrabbit !

Welcome to the forum!

You will get more responses to this question once the projects are complete and people can see the final product.
Right now, it is hard to gauge how good these projects are based on descriptions alone.
I would suggest just building them out, then sharing them with the forum in your portfolio when you are done

the job market for juniors is very competitive and the market for remote jobs is even more competitive.
While it is still possible to get remote jobs, it will be a lot harder of a path then trying to go for local jobs.

Remote junior jobs get hundreds if not close to a thousand applications.
So you will need to do an incredible job of standing out from the crowd.
Not only will your project and overall skills need to be better than average, but also you will need to be good at networking to increase your chances of getting noticed by these remote companies.
Otherwise, you will just be another application to them.
But if you have taken the time to build real relationships with these remote companies and they can see your work, then you are not longer just a number or another applicant.
That will increase your chances of getting the interview and getting the job.

it’s hard to know without seeing your work.
once you post your project here, then you will receive more answers to this question.

hope that helps

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I agree that a few live projects for us to check and a personal portfolio site would be great!

For now I recommend you to do maybe three projects like the first one. It reflects what makes you a good candidate in today’s market: Full stack developer with cloud engineering skills.

You can still focus on front-end, but you will often find yourself in teams where everyone covers all roles (UI, app, databases) and they might even be on rotation with SREs.

If you go that way with your projects, make sure that you understand AWS free tier models, or you might end up with unwanted bills.

Thanks for coming here.

Off course, if its okay to share links here then I will share my portfolio links here in 3-4 days.

You are right about more projects idea as well,anyways I shall share the current projects first and then based on feedback I will decide next project to work on.

Thanks again everyone for participating. It means a lot to me.

Looking forward to seeing your work.

Just let me clarify that I’m proposing less, but high quality projects in your portfolio.

If you have three like the first one that cover full stack development and cloud development/ engineering, you are covering big parts of what is making you employable in today’s market.

Your free tier of the cloud provider of your choice will limit the number of projects anyway.

Sure, I will share in next week.

Yes, I understand and that’s the point I had in my mind as well to create more quality projects focusing on broader scope and utilizing multiple stacks.

Anyways, will share the completed projects in next week.

Thanks for your time.