Are my solutions on my certification visible to others?

Hi there, today I just finished my responsive web design certification. I noticed that the bottom of the certification includes all my projects, as well as the solutions.

I would rather not display my solutions on my certification. Are they visible to everyone or is it just me?

Here is a link to my certification.

Hello @mahammi,

The links brings the user stories asked for each projects but not the projects you did (the code).

I believe that the solutions are only visible to you. If you look at your certificate in an incognito browser (or while logged out) you’ll see that the solution links are absent.

Welcome there,

The solutions should be visible to all who view your certification.

This is to help keep in line with the Academic Honesty Policy agreed to before claiming a certificate.

If you do not want others to see your solutions, you will have to make your certifications private in

Hope this clarifies

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