Are there any web sites (job boards) dedicated to find jobs to junior devs

Are there any web sites (job boards) dedicated to find jobs to junior devs?

I have 7+ years experience in web development using wordpress and the accompanied tech (php, mysql, javascript and jQuery).
I have experimented with technologies like Svelte, React, Next.js, Firebase/Firestore
by building small projects (like freecodecamp).
However I find difficult to get a job in ReactJS world.
Any advice? Any offers as a junior dev?

I’m a little confused here. You have 7+ years of web development experience. Why would you only specifically look for junior developer jobs?

Hello DanStockham,
my dev experience is using wordpress and one commercial project in reactjs.
Usually Reactjs job adverts looking for people with at least 2 years of commercial reactjs experience. So…
I want to go away form wordpress (and the related tech) and move into the react/node world. So I cannot see how my current experience will help me.
I hope I made myself clear now.

Thanks for your involvement .

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