Best text editor?

Atom is free and it’s much faster these days.

I use NeoVim though.

For anyone on here who is a student, you can get a JetBrains licence for free while still in college. It’s normally around $250 and it gives you full access to their full suite of IDE’s. They’re fairly resource heavy, but they are very well tooled.

Failing that, Sublime for the win!


There are a lot of Text editors that you can try out as a begineer or pro programmer.
Some of them which i will suggest you are:

  1. Visual Studio Code
  2. CODA
  3. Sublime Text
  4. Vim
  5. UltraEdit
  6. Bluefish

These above Text editors are fair enough maybe to get your desired one. All of them has all common Text editor properties but with some more advance features. You can look at this list of Text Editors in YouProgrammer to checkout with these Text editors features and some more text editors Features listing as well.

+1 for Visual Studio Code. It is the best one for me.

For HTML and CSS: try Notepad ++ with emmet :smiley:

Hi, I’m currently working through the frontend algorithm projects. For these I just use the firefox console and scratch pad to type up my code and test before pasting it into freecodecamp and running it. I realize that I will need to find a better editor for future projects… I’m currently using Linux Mint as my OS and was wondering if anybody could suggest a compatible editor that will suit my needs going forward.
Thanks in advance

VS Code will suit your needs.

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I started with Sublime but recently switched to Visual Studio Code. I find both of them responsive but VSC pulling ahead and the fact that it has Chrome debugger and JavaScript autocomplete makes my life easier to write fast JS code.
But as others have already suggested Vim, Atom, Brackets are good too. I suggest you give them a try for a week and see what suits you the best.
Here’s an interesting read about the mentioned editors.

just installed vs code. seems like atom but start faster also the git integration is very good, maybe better than atom in some points.

nano > atom > pico, but that’s just physical scale. :smile:
I do use nano a lot, especially when ssh-ed onto a server. Otherwise it’s mostly kwrite/kate.

You use nano over vim?

Yes, in combination with less, so I do get some vi features (quicker search and fast opening of grep -n output via a shell function). I know enough of vi to exit it. :wink:

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I use VS Code too and it’s the best choice for me. I have found nice extensions and a cool cheat sheet:


Beautify (for beautiful code)
HTML Snippets
Brackets Dark (nice and soft for the eyes theme)
Live Server Preview (split screen)
vs-code icons

Bonus :wink:
HTML skeleton: ! + tab
Duplicate Line Down: Shift+Alt+Down
Duplicate Line Up: Shift+Alt+Up

(…Well I know it’s on old topic but… I’ve been here before checking what people said and now I’m back to give my own personal story.…)

I’ve used Sublime Text for a while, then Atom most of the time, and tried VS Code for some weeks (after seeing all the hype everywhere about it).

- My thoughts on Sublime/Atom/VSCode -

All code editors mentioned before are very good, and almost the same where it comes to features and usability…but…

They’re pretty much the same too when you talk about performance!
And sometimes their performances can irritates you!
Try to work on a large codebase, or multiple files opened, linters enabled… Sometimes it can takes like 15 seconds only to open a file (on a pretty decent and new machine/hardware).

- That’s why I decided to Learn VIM! -

Well… there’s nothing to say about VIM performance!! It’s waaaay faster than those editors mentioned before! And you can bet on it… turn on a bunch of plugins and open a bunch of large codebases simultaneously, and you’ll see no lazyness at all!

The reason that intimidates people to learn VIM is just the best part that I’m enjoying on the way.

We’re all here learning, we’re all affictionated in optimizing stuff, create stuff to improve other people’s lifes.
So why not investing a little bit of time to master a tool that will optimize your workflow A LOT and increase your productivity?

Well it’d be so boring if there was nothing to learn, if there was no statusline for you to give the personal touch, no .vimrc to set up every month after you discovering another cool feature, if there was no scripts to learn and build your own features or plugins…

If you feel like giving it a shot, there are many free online resources helping you to learn VIM but the first step to try it out, is to open your console and type the command vimtutor.
Take 30/60 minutes to follow along the exercices and I’m pretty sure you’ll finish it very excited to learn more!

There is a very nice book too that promise you’ll master vim “…from WTF to OMG in no time…” , it’s called Mastering Vim Quickly , and they offer some chapters and a newsletter for free. Even the free stuff will be fairly enough for you to learn many nice features.

After these months using VIM I’ve got so excited more and more, and then I decided to start writing VIM quick tips and tutorials to help VIM newbies.

…the link is:

:v: I Hope I’ve helped! Happy coding folks! :v: