My goals for the first six months of 2024
(not sure why I can't get the above centered in markdown)- Submit my first Frontend Mentor Challenge (QR Code Component) on Github I hope to get feedback so I can get better
- Continue to work on The Odin Project
- Continue to study, and practice html, css, JavaScript, json (via freeCodeCamp), and how to use Visual Studio Code, Markdown language, Git, and Github
- Learn to use validators, and linters
- Learn to use a debugging console
- Earn trust level 3 in freeCodeCamp*
- Learn about, and use pair programming (find willing people [my time zone is China Standard Time normally I have time in the morning to noon or late at night])
- Try to complete challenges several times a week on
- Combine my Toastmasters level 5 project with freeCodeCamp projects the survey, and a tribute page (I need to figure out where/how to host it for free and people able to see the webpage, and survey not just the code also need to build a team)
- Figure out how to earn badge for contribute
- Earn my Responsive Web Design certificate
- Earn my JavaScript Algorithms Data Structures certificate providing enough time to complete perhaps others can tell me if it is possible
- Try 100 days of coding in freeCodeCamp
- Find ways to better describe issues, as well as teach/guide others (better communication)
If anyone has any ideas, suggestions, or challenges for me feel free to let me know.