Hi, so i noticed that when i use the input tag, usually when you apply a class to a tag it automatically applies 2 quotation marks when you input One, however that isn’t the case with the input tag, i found it so annoying. Is it a bug or thats how it works and why?
The editor doesn’t have any autocompletion in place, you will need to type everything
When you put in a global attribute like class, name, id, for etc followed by the =(equal sign) character, followed by the "(quotation mark) character, and no other text directly in front of it, it always gives you two quotation marks, same for brackets, and curly brackets. This is standard text editor behavior. Example;
However if you jumping into an already constructed line, and trying to add a class, and are bumped up against the next word in line, for example;
it only gives you one quote, because it is expecting you to add the quote to the end of the next word, phrase, or sentence.
This is how most word, pages, etc text editors should work.