Can someone help me with my resume

I am trying to change my resume from sports management into web developing. how would i add the freeCodeCamp certification and my fullstack udacity nanodegree into the resume?

Hi, I don’t have any good advice on the actual content of your resume however I would suggest using a template to re-design/re-order the content of your resume.

One of these google doc resume templates could work for you…

If you want to use one of these then click File > Make a copy…
That way you can save your own copy as these are files shared from my google drive.

Hi Odis,

I agree with camelcamper, that you should re-order the content of your resume to one of those templates.

I would include your certification and nanodegree under your education or professional certifications. And remove anything that’s not relevant to the job you’re applying to. If possible add your github link to your resume and any coding projects you’ve completed.

First off, your resume is a bit hard to read from the screenshot. If you could post your resume as a document file instead (like on Google Docs or similar) that would make it easier to read.

To answer your question, well I wouldn’t personally recommend adding either a freeCodeCamp certification or a Udacity nanodegree to the resume, because neither are recognized, well-established educational credentials. If you want to put them somewhere, the place to do that might be on your LinkedIn profile, which has an area for certifications. Also, neither of them would really be adding anything to your resume anyway, when you have a college degree in Math—Math is considered to be part of “STEM” (,_technology,_engineering,_and_mathematics), and as long as you have a degree in STEM, you’re reasonably equipped to handle most (entry-level) coding-related jobs.

If you’ve been applying for jobs and haven’t been getting results, I have some additional feedback on your resume:

  • For a summary statement, it’s typically recommended to write that in the 1st person, not the 3rd person. Writing in the 3rd person the way you did usually makes people come across as pretentious. “Highly motivated” and “self-driven” are also vague and fluffy. Either delete those or re-word that part. Actually you have quite a bit of vague and fluffy wording in the whole section—including, but not limited to—“functional experience” (what does this mean?), “unique ability” (pretentious wording), “handle complex tasks” (a lot of people can do this), “ensure maximum efficiency” (vague and non-specific wording), “thrives in team-oriented and challenging environments” (a lot of people can do this too), and that whole last sentence.

  • You may want to also delete “actively seeking a challenging position in sports” if you’re looking for web development positions, because that phrase is contradictory.

  • If you’re applying for web development positions, you need to re-think your whole Areas of Expertise section. That may or may not work for sports management positions—I honestly don’t know, as that list is full of meaningless buzzwords that don’t really differentiate you at all. Think about it, how many other people could list the exact same things on their resumes? A lot! For software positions, these should be your technical skills. And listing any soft skills on your resume reeks of pretentiousness, unless of course you can quantify a soft skill—something like “Trained/coached more than 1000 new employees…” or something along those lines.

  • The Education section is confusing. Do you have 2 or 3 degrees? Don’t list majors, only list your actual degrees that you received. Also, use the two-letter abbreviations for a degree, whether it’s “BA” for Math, or “BS” for Sports Management, as writing just “Bachelor” is not specific enough.

  • Professional Experience should really be your first section. Unless you graduated college really recently (as in within the past year), work experience should usually be the first section on anyone’s resume. Your newest degree was more than 2 years ago, so your Education section should be placed below your Experience section.

  • Most people don’t like reading long lists, and you should shorten the list on your job to 2 or 3 bullet points if you can. 6 is too many. And quantify anything that you can to show that you can achieve results—this is something that almost every recruiter/HR person will look for.

  • Just going off the screenshot, but your font size and typeface make it hard to read. Don’t use a font size smaller than 12 points (you don’t want to make anyone squint in order to read your resume), and use a sans-serif font like Arial or Helvetica. If you have to delete stuff from your resume to make everything fit after changing the typeface and font size, start with the summary statement. Those aren’t usually needed.

  • And I assume you cropped it out of the screenshot, but the top of your resume should include your full name, city & state, and contact info (phone, email, LinkedIn, and GitHub repo if you have one).

  • FYI, the two resume templates on Google Docs posted above both violate resume protocol in the US. The first one has a split-column layout, which you should avoid, as most ATS (Applicant Tracking Systems) software scans only top-down and not left-to-right, which will cause the second column to be either ignored or totally mis-read. The second one lists a full address—which there’s absolutely no need to do. City & state is fine, there’s no purpose in putting anything more, and there are scenarios in which putting a full address isn’t advised.

I’m no resume expert, so takes this with a grain of salt.

I think it’s pretty pointless to write these things about yourself without providing further information about them. I mean… anyone can write that they are this and that. It’s just pretty words. But why are you this and that? Where and how did you develop or use this and that? Give something at least if you want to include all these soft skills. Otherwise as a recruiter I’d think “yeah, yeah… you’re all shiny and perfect…”

I’d start with your skills that you learned here. HTML? JavaScript? CSS? Let’s be honest. That’s what they care about. Can you code and what do you know?

In short, i’d redo the whole thing and start with the most relevant things at the top and ask about every single thing that you’re gonna write - is this really relevant to a software developer role?

@Odis22 honestly, I would change the area of expertise with the tech stack you’re familiar with (especially if it mix well with the job you’re looking to go into)

Also, getting straight to the point is really important (I am sure you already know that), recruiters/talent teams have to go through so many CVs for a role, it’s usually a 6-8 second scan then LinkedIn/Github stalk to make a decision.

Which brings me to my next point, if you have a LinkedIn/Github profile, please put that into your CV, that’ll really help them to identify you. (not to mention an omnichannel presence)

If you need a resume builder, try using Canva’s builder for yourself:

Don’t put your headshot photo though!