Have been trying to signup to Free Code Camp today, but having been having much luck. No matter what option I choose, nothing appears to happen in the browser. I did notice the below error in the console, but not sure if it’s related.
Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined <anonymous> https://auth.freecodecamp.org/login?state=g6Fo2SB4VE9uMVdzNm1mS1IxeFc2ek5mSnFUS3FLanN3TlluTaN0aWTZIGczOWhfdXkxa2ViaFhxUlhTSjQxQkhpVmpndWo1a0xTo2NpZNkgYVVEdjlqVnFUZnhCUkUxbDYwTkE1QWY3eVRDR0U0Y3k&client=aUDv9jVqTfxBRE1l60NA5Af7yTCGE4cy&protocol=oauth2&response_type=code&redirect_uri=https://api.freecodecamp.org/auth/auth0/callback&scope=openid profile email:437 login:437:5
I tried in both safemode firefox (all addons disabled), and a fresh install of edge. I also tried on my phone’s hotspot to eliminate my network with the same result.
Can you try an incognito window (with extensions disabled)? We did get one report of the CDN certificate having issues, but just want to rule out any extensions first.
When I get to the page with the 4 options to login options all of them are unresponsive. I can click all day and nothing happens. I’m using firefox. I’ve cleared cache etc but still nothing.
While we are working on this, anyone facing this could you check that the DNS is not stale? Your internet service provider maybe caching DNS, etc. resulting in corrupted/stale versions of the pages.
One way is to use a public and fast DNS resolver like, or Cloudflare’s (highly recommended):