I start the Relational Database Course and I am at Celestial Bodies step. I’ve tried to open it on Visual Code to retrieve my last work but CodeRoad : Start doesn’t appear in Command Palette. Is someone know how to solve it ? It appeared lately on another Workspace ?
I’ve been struggling with the same issue for a few days now. If I don’t completely finish a project, I can’t get back into my saved project to continue. The project is there in gitpod and my saved universe.sql file is showing on vs code. Can’t get the CodeRoad: Start to show up. Someone please help us out. I’m about to skip this section.
This happened to me yesterday when I had more than one workspace open. I think it was trying to run on the same port or something and so couldn’t start up. It fixed after I closed and stopped my other workspace and then restarted the one I was trying to use. I hope that helps…
I’ve tried so many things including completely stopping everything and restarting only the specific workspace, but nothing I have tried seems to be working. As soon as I stop the workspace and try to get back into it, the CodeRoad: Start feature doesn’t appear. I have deleted the workspace and started over multiple times. Very frustrating and holding me back from continuing with the program.
Here’s all that I can think of to try
- Go into the extensions pane in the VScode editor and make sure coderoad is installed and enabled. You can also try selecting the two settings that I have (see screenshot below).
- If you have any browser extensions like an ad blocker make sure that GitPod is permitted or just fully disable them.
- Try on a different browser, there’s a post here describing some firefox cookie/security issue.
- If you see any errors pop up when trying to start the workspace or coderoad make sure to copy them over here.
- Make a forum post under the support category instead, maybe that will get better traction.
I just solved the same problem on my end. I went to the extensions marketplace on VS Code and typed in CodeRoad. The extension was shown and then I installed it. I went back to the Views tab on the menu and typed in CodeRoad and viola, there it was. I clicked on it and it took me to where I left off. Super easy. Y’all should try it.
Yes, the problem most often comes from the extension not being installed. This also happens in the desktop version.