Coding Beginner Seeking Advice

Hi there!

My name is Tal and I’m one week into my coding journey!! I’m still not sure what I’d like to do, but right now I’m completing the freeCodeCamp curriculum. I’ve just finished the Responsive Web Design lessons and I’m working on my Tribute Page. My intention is to continue self-learning through this curriculum as well as YouTube videos and other resources I find on the way.

So the thing is, I’m not exactly sure how I can best remember all of these codes. Does one really memorise it all through practice? Is it normal to keep googling and searching for the right code for each task? Is it beneficial to create a document or fill in a notebook with the codes that I learn as I go to have it all organised?
I would really appreciate any advice that you all may have for me! I’m very motivated to keep getting better and ideally to do so in an efficient way.

Thanks in advance,

No. No one can remember all of this stuff. Some of it sticks through repetition, but not all of it.

Is it normal to keep googling and searching for the right code for each task?

Not only normal, probably a “requirement”. Real developers are googling things all the time.

Is it beneficial to create a document or fill in a notebook with the codes that I learn as I go to have it all organised?

I don’t think so. I think it is more important to learn concepts and learn what is possible and be able to google the details.

I used to keep a small notepad next to my computer and if there was something I just didn’t understand, I would make a note. Then when I had 30 minutes I would do a deep dive into it. I probably had the reduce method on there, CORS, Promise, async/await, etc. I didn’t memorize those things, but I did spend some time understanding them better.

But don’t feel bad for googling. That would be like a swimmer feeling bad about taking deep breaths.


Regarding that, I find that having a bookmarks folder for things that you want to learn better really helps.


Yeah I am having the same issue. I´m starting now to code as well. And it seems like alot information to remember HTML, CSS, and Javascript. But I believe if we just keep at it somethings will become easier to remember especially the easy stuff. Another thing is to remember once you get a job in the future your adrenaline will kick in and your brain is just going to go into overdrive to learn and remember much more efficiently especially if you focus only 1 or 2 languages for everyday work. Everything else yes we will google it.

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Thank you for your thorough response!

Yes! Glad to know we’re in the same boat. Best of luck to you!!

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