Colab file reading issues

Dear Folks - I am having trouble accessing files in colab after succesfully mounting my google drive

All of the following work :
drive.mount(‘/content/gdrive’, force_remount=True)
%cd gdrive/MyDrive
%ls TriangulationSimulation\ SNOP
file1 = ‘TriangulationSimulation\ SNOP/nlog-dump-SNOP-json-950-0.json’
%cat $file1

However I next try to open the very same file (file1) which is a json file :

fsnop = open(file1)
(or fsnop = open(file1, “r”))

and I get an error : 'FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘TriangulationSimulation\ SNOP/nlog-dump-SNOP-json-950-0.json’

My next step will be to load the json data by doing json.load(fsnop)

This works when I run it in python on my laptop so I’ve no idea whats going on.


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