Complete All of Free Code Camp Full Stack Curriculum Locally in VS Code

Can I complete the FreeCodeCamp. com coursework on VS Code?

I am working on the New - Responsive Web Design curriculum. Free Code Camp does have a VS code extension on Marketplace called freeCodeCamp - Courses, but I don’t see the full stack curriculum from the website as one of the options on the courses.json file.

Instead of working on it in the browser, can I work on the full curriculum, as seen on the website, locally and push my work to where ever my progress is being tracked?

Thank you in advance for your response.

You can write your code wherever you want, but you would probably need to copy and paste it into the appropriate lesson in order to submit it.

Welcome there,

The freeCodeCamp - Courses extension is used for external courses to So, only content not hosted on the main platform is available on the extension.

Hope this clarifies

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