Delete this clutterrr

Hello there,

I am sorry you feel this way, but freeCodeCamp was, and still is, developed by teachers and professional developers. To begin, if you feel this against the curriculum, there is no need for you to do it…it is free, afterall.

Now, freeCodeCamp has an excellent reputation, and has helped millions of people. Thousands of freeCodeCamp graduates have attained software related careers, due to the course, and professional developers use the course to learn frameworks and tools they need for varying positions. Read a few of the #motivation or #career posts that talk about the pivotal role freeCodeCamp played in their careers.

Now, about freeCodeCamp’s curriculum:

  • It is kept up-to-date. The content is always being worked on, and many talented people are spending their valuable time improving and extending the content.
  • freeCodeCamp has never claimed to be all you need in terms of learning. The phrase we encourage is Read-Search-Ask. Read the short lessons that have been provided. Search the internet (or a book) for extended information on the topics covered. Ask what you do not understand.
  • ASK on this forum. It is why it is here. If a lesson’s phrasing confuses you, or a concept eludes you, ask. There are thousands who can, and want to, answer.
  • Be friendly. We are all humans on the other end of the keyboard. Yes, the odd bot makes its way through, but the mods do an excellent job of reducing the spam caused.
  • Be respectful. We all start from the bottom, and work our way up. freeCodeCamp was founded with the intent to teach.

So, I recommend you take a breather. Writing 10 replies to your own thread is not indicative of someone wanting to learn, but someone wanting to vent frustrations. If you want to use the freeCodeCamp curriculum, take it as slow as needed; re-read what you need; search the interweb for someone else’s phrasing; ask the forum for helpful knowledge.