Problem with css

Hi guys, ok so i kinda rushed the web dev part. All of it!!! and now getting to the project challenge, i find it hard to cope. i find my self editing codes to pass the challenge. I feel bad when i look at the codes other students are able to create and wish i could learn and do likewise. So guys i don’t know if i should start all over. Pls any advice on the next step for me to make? i really want to walk in this path.

Do you want to get into web dev?

I would suggest you to go through the course once again that’s the best solution. Every tag , attribute and element has its own importance. It doesn’t take much time believe me you can do this. if you need any help feel free.

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This is where I started 1 month ago

This dude is an excellent teacher and his channel is full of web dev tutorials. Visit his channel and go to this playlist.

thanks i will check it out.

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you can always google stuff that you don’t remember or review the challenges as needed

you don’t need to do all of it again just because you not feel about your knowledge.

instead, go searching stuff with a goal

and learn to use the test suite: click on the number of passing tests to see which ones are not passing, and below the failed ones there are details of why they are not passing

Thanks I will follow your advice :blush: