Design and UX feedback on Random Quote

Hey guys, long time no see, how is going??

I’ve just finished my random quote and It would be nice if you gave me a feedback about the experience and design. :slight_smile:

Keep Coding!


Very stylish! I can’t fault it. I would be happy to work with you anytime! :+1:
One of my favourites. :sparkles:
By the way, I love your Tic-Tac-Toe. Sort of what I was trying for with mine:

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My favorite random quote generator so far!

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Thanks, guys, it’s really nice and motivates me this kind of feedback.

Johnny, maybe we can work together any time :wink: The only thing missing on the tic-tac-toe is the AI code for vs PC and I’m gonna learn with your code.

CurtisJCamp it’s nice to read something like this, thank you.

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Woah! I can’t stop clicking it! LOL.

So pretty and very fast, even with rapid tapping on my phone.

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mebbe it’s my browser, but longer quotes overflow the cards?

very kewl idea tho :slight_smile:

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Maybe it’s because it was set with em, not px, gonna fix it.

Thanks for your feedback :smiley:

Maybe it’s because I kind cheated hahaha As my propose was to the user feels like changing card my code take 100 quotes on the loading and with this it can be fast. :slight_smile: Thank you for feedback.