Do I have to learn in order

i’m beginner. I should learn in order or i can choose the one i like. I like Computer science so i want to learn Python (scientific computing) first, is it ok ?

Hello and welcome to the freeCodeCamp community~!

There is no rule that says you have to do the curriculum in order. :slight_smile:

That being said, things are laid out such that it makes sense to go in order - each section builds on the previous ones. The Python lessons are pretty separate from the web development stuff, though the Information Security section will also include some back-end web dev (with node.js).

So yes, you can start with the Scientific Computing with Python. :slight_smile:

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The curriculum is designed to be done in order, as it’s really intended as a single entity, not a collection of courses. That said, you are always welcome to jump around.

FWIW, the other parts of the curriculum are just as much under the umbrella of “computer science” as the python section.


i am new to coding start with beginner