I am taking the Responsive Web Design Projects - Build a Product Landing Page test . All my codes seem to be fine but still i get back these three points as a failure.
No i do not mind it really ! but i am writing my code in VS CODE and the project is on my local server ( i mean it just a file which i open it with CHROME) ! would a link for it still work out ?
Provided the amount of code is not too much. Post it here in the forum using the appropriate syntax.
Create a codepen.io and share the link. This would be the easiest for us to help.
Also, you will have to have your project hosted somewhere (on the internet, publicly available) for you to submit the project in freeCodeCamp. Most users use CodePen for this.
Some things to note when using CodePen:
CodePen does not expect any content outwith the body tags.
All meta, link, and script information must be put in the settings section of the HTML editor.
You do not need to/cannot link the CSS in your HTML, if you place the CSS in the appropriate section.
If your project uses React, use the Babel preprocessor, and link the CDN in the appropriate section.
The editors offer the ability to format and analyse your code, providing useful information about forgotten closing tags etc.
If you are still confused with how to use CodePen, please read the official documentation.
@Sky020 thanks for your suggestions almost all somehow worked. Like you said the submiting problem and also the Flex box problem were solved .
Now i still have the one about nav links . It keeps saying its not correct. Even though the links are working fine !!
I will paste my Pen link down here please if you dont mind go and check it out for me. In my eyes everything seems to be correct ! but still i do not pass the test.
When I click a .nav-link button in the nav element, I am taken to the corresponding section of the landing page.’
The class nav-link is supposed to be on the element which takes you to corresponding page when clicked for your case is a element not li. So apply the class on ‘a’ element instead. It will require you to change your styling a bit.