I have validated this in the w3 validator and on codepen. It seems to be ok and all of my tests have passed. I had a couple of issues with this project though as firstly I couldn’t get the logo/image to show. Also when I scrolled down the page the video went in front of the navbar instead of behind and also the video wasn’t working properly. Any suggestions to the above would be great and any other feedback would be useful too.
I have more or less done my tribute page and survey from but I still need to update it/validate it too on the w3 validator so I will share those projects on this forum too once done. I have passed the tests on these as well.
As noted above, local images are not supported by codepen and therefore need to be hosted elsewhere to be available for use.
For video showing before navbar I couldn’t replicate that, but easy fix is to up the z-index property of your navbar.
Your nav links can be a bit fancier looking or larger in font size. Perhaps laid out horizontally with responsive spacing? (flexbox) and on mobile perhaps stacked on top of one another? You can even take advantage of pseudo-classes such as :hover and :active to make it interactive.
Your restaurant name unfortunately gets gobbled up as the screen gets smaller.
Overall great job! also love the menu, made me very hungry.
Thanks so much for the feedback so far. I will post an updated version over the weekend probably. Meanwhile if anyone else has any more feedback too that would be great.