I haven’t implemented a contact form yet, might just make it so it shows an email. Also don’t know why my main-banner text doesn’t stay in the area of the “splash” screen when I resize the window.
Any feedback and criticism is appreciated, as well as tips on how to improve it.
Also feel like my design overall is a a lil’ pretentious but whatever.
Your splash screen is too boring. I thought something wasnt loaded in at first.
Nothing wrong with simple design but you have to take that one word and really sell it. Right now its not doing you any favors.
OK nevermind, turns out something really wasnt loading in.Still isnt but it atleast managed to load in your landing image upon refreshing. Immediately looks good now Its still not loading your portfolio images I think this has something to do with codepen and not your code I recommend hosting your images on dropbox instead of imgur if your using codepen.
Ignoring the images part, The overall design looks pretty neat! Kinda reminds me of googles Material Design.
Keep it up!
Hi. I agree with @ItsRoyal.
It looks bland at the moment. If there are images that need to load, they have to be hosted on the internet publicly for codepen to be able to load them in.
flickr is another option.
It looks nice, add some images and add more too it. Add a paragraph below you github, FCC, etc links just to add a natural border.
Your portfolio section needs to be fixed. Maybe embed your Tribute page there, along with any other future projects. This will provide a good oversight and visual.
<p data-height="265" data-theme-id="0" data-slug-hash="wmzPwM" data-default-tab="html,result" data-user="abrandx" data-embed-version="2" data-pen-title="J Dilla Tribute Page" class="codepen">See the Pen <a href="https://codepen.io/abrandx/pen/wmzPwM/">J Dilla Tribute Page</a> by abrand (<a href="https://codepen.io/abrandx">@abrandx</a>) on <a href="https://codepen.io">CodePen</a>.</p>
<script async src="https://static.codepen.io/assets/embed/ei.js"></script>
hmm… can’t figure out why the images aren’t loading. loads fine on my desktop pc but when i go to my phone it looks like pure trash. and the tribute page looks like a mess.
edit: same thing happens with the images with my tribute page
Could it be because you’re hosting on imgur? I may be wrong, but I think they frown upon hotlinking. I’m using cloudinary to host my images for codepen.
I’m not sure if this would work, but try adding min-width: 600px; or a range where the image still appears to your body element. If that doesn’t work, surround all your code in a Div and try again with the Div.
This will also prevent resizing/ down sizing to 600px;
I feel like I’d be more comfortable just sticking to JS since I already know a fair bit of Java, and they at least look somewhat similar. Wish I could just code all the features in Java though, lol.