Finally made it in! (I think.)

  • Start FCC May 2021
  • build and publish my first app January 2024
  • start trying to break in to the field.
  • job search is brutal.
  • start trying to sell my soul to get my foot in the door somewhere
  • need a break from job search
  • want need to make something else for the portfolio
  • have idea for another app.
  • Imagine visiting a land where everyone is frustrated with eating spaghetti with spoons, and you know how to make forks.
  • Im in full on start up mode.
  • spend couple weeks or so neglecting my two children and rest of life to produce an MVP.
  • me: {boot up demo…} > press the “make fork” button > loading… > “heres your fork”
  • me (internal Hagrid dialog) : yer a wezard.
  • get a message on Linkedin about first app: "We would love to learn more about the
    interactive app you are developing and to discuss possible collaborations. "
  • meeting: They want to use this app in their class rooms, but wanted to see some additional features.
  • me: that sounds great
  • them: how long would it take you to add those, six months perhaps?
  • me: Im not sure, Im currently working on a side project, and I have my day job, a young fami-
  • them: No, we mean as an employee here?
  • me (internal dialog) : oh sh*t!
  • me: absolutely
  • cfo loves the story behind making that first app. A 4 year journey learning to code, culminating into my first app release. were vibin’
  • them: "we also have some other products we want to look into after that. Like “project banana.”
  • me: ok yea, no problem, I can figure it out
  • them: also we have this “project apple”
  • me: ok yea, no problem, that one sounds fun!
  • them: also we have thinking about, “project fork”.
  • me: queue blinking-white-guy.gif
  • me: like a fork to eat with? can you clarify some more?
  • them: yea! you know, seems likes there’s a need for it. we all love sghetti, but these spoons are frustrating, amirite?.
  • me (internal dialog) : oh sh*t (x2)!

They had the same idea as my current side project

This company's business is relevant in my current line of work, so this is not completely crazy. I personally couldn't believe nobody had made this fork idea yet.
  • me: (inner dialog) i should tell them. I should definitely tell them
  • me: hella excited, “thats exactly what my side project is!”
  • the four of us are sort of looking back and fourth each other. not sure how long
  • me: wanna see it?
  • ownership whips out phones and starts canceling meetings.
  • excitement is becoming overwhelming
  • {npm i nervous}
  • start feeling straight goofy.
  • whip out goofy mac book
  • cfo is looking like a hungry wolf
  • mac book is looking like bowl of sghetti
  • cfo (yelling): “dongle! someone get him a dongle!”
  • me: goofy af at this point. reach in backpack and pull out a dongle. :smirk:“I got one”
  • everyone is geeking up. feels good man.

Yesterday I receive an offer. Its low, a little more than what I make now. Royalties were mentioned a few times. Also its a 1 year contracted position, basically a trial period. They know, (and I know) I’m a liability. They don’t have any developers on staff, they are creating a position. I would be alone. They said they are going to hire someone to basically remotely mentor or guide me. Someone who I can go to with questions or issues with my projects and review my work (honestly, this was a relief to me, but I didn’t get all of the details about that yet).

I have not got the paper work yet so I don’t know all the details.
I talked to a lawyer today to help me with the contract stuff.

February will be my ten year mark at my current job. Low pay but stable, great benefits etc.

After the dirt has settled, Im left with an uneasy feeling that I can’t shake.
Am I going to accept a one year contract, getting paid to basically add features to my first app, and then finish building my fork app?
I know this doesn’t sound right (there will be an NDA and NCA with the contract). I don’t know how the business side of this stuff works.I just wanted to be a developer…
4 years waiting for this moment, and it feels like I’m not enjoying it.

Any insight would be helpful.


will you keep property of the app? or will it be theirs?

find someone to talk to about IP (intellectual property), yes they will be paying you to work, but what about the work before?

unless it’s open source, you are giving to them for free the work you did until now

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I did express that I wanted to retain ownership of the first app, but for the right price I would gladly sell it. The state of the second app was not discussed at the time.

This is closer to my uneasiness, I’m trying to figure out how to delicately approach this, what if starts sounding too messy for them and they find someone else? And that may not even be a thing. I haven’t seen the contract yet, and I’m afraid of it not being addressed

a contract can be negotiated until it is signed, use your bargaining power


Are these contracts reasonably readable? Or do I need a lawyer, I’ve never done contract work. The lawyer I spoke with cost $700usd (Santa didn’t come this year kiddos)

In this case, I strongly suggest to start following below from Day 1 of job

  1. BDD ( behaviour driven development ) - google / YT more about this. Before writing any single line of code, do write stories and get signed off with business owner

  2. TDD

This will make your and others life much easier and it will show value add with each release. ( solving business problems with software )

All the very best

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I don’t have much experience, but usually no, contracts are full on jargon

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