Hello Campers
It has been a long time since I started my journey in 2021 here, in freeCodeCamp.
The highs are high, and the lows are low.
As described in my previous posts (stages of distress, in order):
Looking for Portfolio Advice
Opportunity Costs and Growth
Finally made it in! (I think.)
As of January 1st, at nearly 35 years old, I am a full stack software developer.
A company has purchased the IP for two of my apps (one I made and published with Unity, the other made and nearly published with React Native).
On top of the IP purchase, the buyer has hired me full time to expand the first app and finish the second.
After nearly 4 years of relentlessly trying to wrap my head around some FCC project and figure out library/nuget “x”, “y” and “z”, I am confident in saying that it was a rewarding journey. Not because I am now getting paid, rather I enjoy it to the core.
I get the same human experience slinging some dirty, dangerous, and poorly designed code, as I do in my dirty, dangerous, poorly designed woodshop.
We can imagine something, figure out how it might function, then create it.
As shown in my previous posts, I understand the struggle. And I’ll tell you right now, having prior experience in the industry related to my new employer, was almost certainly the most deciding factor. I was reached out to after recording a few clips of an app I was working on and had posted it to my LinkedIn). q
My Advise: If you’re my age, and you actually love doing this stuff - keep your head down and keep slingin’ that nasty, dangerous, undecided, unconfident, and soulful code.
Build silly stuff, build useless stuff…just build.
Thanks to QuincyLarson for creating a vision, that led me to greater heights.
Thanks to ArielLeslie & vikramvi for your voice of reason, just being there for me, and replying to my panicked posts