I’m a beginner and have learned Java and Springboot. I’ve built my first projects by following the tutorial video.
Now I’m thinking about something that I can put in my resume. Probably building something with experienced programmers to simulate real work scenarios. I can learn how to team-work, how to code on github and something like that.
The question is I don’t know where I can find such resources. Can you give me some advices or tips about that?
BTW: I’ve heard from other posts on freecodecamp that says you can do volunteering or open sources projects in freecodecamp, but I don’t know where to find it.
I don’t think fCC has any Java code that you can contribute to but if you google something like “open source Java projects” you might get some results that may be helpful.
I found some github projects without mailbox on it. How should I get started or contacted with the owner? I sorry to ask such sily questions, but I really have never been throught this before.
Choose one of the repos you want to contribute to. Then navigate to the issues section. Change the label and set it to “first timer” or “good first issue” depending on the provided label.
From there, you can contribute to your first issue and more in the future.
I’ve personally found frontendmentor website pretty helpful to build projects of different complexity levels. Make sure to put all your work on GitHub.
Also I would suggest to start building a project per your own hobby / passion which will be unique to showcase to potential employers
That is a good start but now you should build off of that tutorial.
Add more features to the project that weren’t covered in the tutorial and build it out yourself.
You might hit a lot of roadblocks and consistently be reaching for the docs and other resources but that is where the real learning and growth comes in for developers
As the others have mentioned, contributing to open source projects would good for this.
Pick just one project that you are interested in and have actually tried out.
This can be some sort of tool, game, etc.
Start with small issues and steadily contribute.
Get involved with the community associated with it. A lot of open source projects have a discord, or slack or something where you can connect with other contributors and maintainers. Read through that project’s docs to find that information.
The key to stick with a project for a period of time and really learn more about it and start to contribute more. I am talking like 6 months to a year.
Most beginners will jump around to 20 -30 different repos only fixing typos and small bugs. But if you only do that for months on end then you aren’t really learning much. Plus, you are not really going to get the benefits of working with other developers for a period of time.
It is best to instead stick with a project and learn more about it and you will slowly be able
contribute more and learn a ton in the process.
I would highly suggest listening to Danny Thompson’s and Leon Noel’s podcast because it has a lot of great information on how to know if you are truly ready for a developer job and how to best go about it.
They also have tons of other resources that are linked in the podcast that will be beneficial to you.
But the short answer to your question is if you have been learning for a while and have build a couple of substantial projects on your own that you can talk about in the interview, then I would say you are ready.
There are a few issues that I spot that can contribute to you not getting to the interview stage.
The first issue is to remove “Seeking for Back end developer” part. Just say Back end developer or Software developer
The second issue would be to remove the skills bar section.
Rating yourself won’t mean anything to perspective employers and they will just ignore that anyway. They will make up their mind on how strong you are in certain areas during the technical interviews.
I would also remove personal traits because it seems like the same list that everyone else lists and is to generic.
Same goes for the profile section. I would update that section because it seems to generic right now and won’t stand out in the sea of resumes companies get now a days.
The last thing is to be prepared to answer the question of why there is a gap between when you finished your CS degree and your first developer job.
You don’t need to explain that here on the forum, but don’t be surprised if it gets asked during interviews
There are lots of startups across globe ( with limited initial funding ) looking for interns / jr software engineers
Once you’ve built sufficient projects and confident enough to answer atleast 50%+ of interview questions, just start applying ( check YT / google for interview questions )
So don’t wait build loads of projects, prepare for interview and start applying ASAP