Hello! I just finished my Portfolio Page: http://codepen.io/redcoder93/pen/XNYXgw
I only used HTML and CSS since I only know a little bit of JavaScript, plus using JavaScript in Code Pen is confusing. On another note, I would love tips on how to make this a static web page so that I can link to it and start building my online portfolio while I finish projects outside of Code Pen in the future. Thanks!
Nice work. Do you really want a red background on small devices, or is that a leftover from some experiment?
Oh, that’s left over. I’d probably want it to be blue or grey, similar to the larger background. Thank you for catching that.
Nicely done! 
The only thing would be your contact buttons at the bottom overlap on mobile.
Thanks for the advice and feedback. I still haven’t figured out how to prevent my buttons from overlapping on mobile. Hopefully I figure it out eventually.