First certificate with HTML and CSS done


I finally made my portfolio project and with that completed the first certificate. I look forward to completing second certificate.

For my design I took inspiration from @ines-violin.

Following is the link to her portfolio page. Check it out. It’s really good!

Happy Learning,


Hi @deetigupta8!
Well done for completing your portfolio, it looks so cute! :sun_with_face: :sunny:
Just a couple of thoughts:

  • The layout for smaller screens is not very responsive. I would try adding some media queries to make it look good on small screens. Because you already made your layout for larger screens, I think you’ll have to go with max-width but maybe for the future you could start with the mobile layout first and then use min-width to target larger screens. This way your page will look good on smaller screens first and then it will be easier to scalle things up.

  • This is a matter of opinion but I believe your project cards might be a little big for the size of the project section. Because you have a large nav and footer, that leaves less space for the content. When it comes to the project cards, I think it would be nice to have a full overview of them at once without having to scroll as they get hidden by the nav and footer. Maybe just try making them slightly less tall and see if you like it :slight_smile:

Lastly, thank you for tagging me, I’m really glad to know my portfolio was helpful in someway :blush:

All the best!

Hii @ines-violin,

Firstly, thank you so much for giving feedback.

That’s a great idea to start with the mobile screen first. I think I have been having a lot of issue with making my screens responsive. And designing projects for mobile first will give me more practice on responsive design.

I will reduce the size of my cards. Actually, it would also be great if i could also make my footer not fixed. Paradoxically I had to because it was affecting responsiveness of my screen majorly.

Thank you so so much,

Would love to know what you would be doing next especially for practice more in HTML and CSS. I really like the Free Code Camp project style of providing use case and visuals. It really eases the initial hesitation and apprehensions of writing code. Would love to get similar type of practice for a while.

Thanks again,
Stars and Stars for future :star2:

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Hi @deetigupta8!
Thanks for your message! :blush:
So, in terms of getting more practice, I’m now focusing on learning Javascript so since finishing my portfolio a couple weeks ago I haven’t worked so much on html/css. However, I think one idea would be to take all the components and ideas you have on your portfolio and do a new iteration of it but this time starting from the mobile version. That way, even if you will be learning new topics now, you could still be working on css and responsive design if you’d like? It’s just an idea :grinning:

All the best! :star2:

Cool, I like the sun animation
Although it’s not really responsive on mobile, it looks great :+1:

I am too continuing with Javascript fcc course. It’s a good idea. I will also work on making my screen responsive for mobile.
Thank you so much and all the best @ines-violin :star2:

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Thanks for getting back @davidoluremi0. I will work on making my portfolio responsive on mobile.

Thanks for appreciating. Best wishes :star2:

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