Still getting my head around properly incorporating responsive web design and I feel like I may have overcoded some of the CSS styling (as I was doing a lot of fiddling and not 100% sure what would work)
Thanks in advance for any feedback to help me learn and improve!
I love your theme. I also love the fact that you wanna improve on your skills. That’s what really matters. When we work on ourselves, we become better, and better, then someday eventually best.
I suggest your website could use some more white space. You should try using paragraphs, margin or padding to space out your content.
Happy coding!
Like previous posters have said, this page would benefit a lot from some white space between the paragraphs. It’s preferable to control paragraphs by using several p elements, not with br. (so the white space you’d achieve in the CSS with margin-bottom on p, for instance)
I’m curious why you’ve used position: relative on many of your selectors, as I don’t see any actual offsets with the top, bottom, left or right properties. If you don’t want to offset your elements, there’s no need to use position: relative
Also, it might be worth keeping in mind that not all font-weights exist for all typefaces. I think, for instance, that Georgia does not have a 200 font-weight.
@Lafen Thanks for your encouragement, and kind words re the theme! All that time pondering over and scrutinizing different shades of red was not in vain
@qvistdev09 Thanks! That’s really helpful info (total “duh” moment not using p for paragraphs!)
Gonna watch more vids on positioning as I was kinda using them willy-nilly without fully understanding trying to make things work! That was definitely an example of some of my “overcoding”
With the help of all the feedback here I managed to clean it up a lot and it's total night & day, especially for mobile. Really appreciate the help!
Your page looks good @cjcon90. Some things to revisit;
Keep the test script when forking the pen (<script src=""></script>).
The test script should be included, with all tests passing, when you submit your projects.
When using codepen it only expects the code you’d put within the <body> </body> element in HTML. (No need to include the body tags). For anything you want to add to <head> click on the ‘Settings’ button, then HTML and add it into the ‘Stuff for <head>’ box.
The link to your font would go in the box labeled ‘Stuff for <head>’
Codepen provides validators for HTML, CSS and JS. Click on the down arrow in the upper right of each section and then click on the respective ‘Analyze’ link.
The HTML one misses a lot which is why I recommend W3C
The CSS one is good. Run it. There’s a duplicate you can clean up.
Don’t use <br> to force spacing. Use margin and/or padding in CSS.