For web developer freelancers

Hello everyone.
I want to be a web developer freelancer front end and backend but as a freelancer, how could I show my client the website and the idea before creating it, if I did not know how to design the website on photoshop?

and many thanks in advance.

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Something like Figma sounds like just the ticket.


thanks so much for reply. but I do not have web design experience. I just know how to code. I know html5, css3, js, php, mysql and wordpress.
so what should I do about the design on such case as a freelancer?

and many thanks in advance.

If you cannot design (this would be normal, as it covers most developers), then you cannot design. You can learn basics (which will be useful), but to do it well would take similar amount of time to learning to be able to program well.

That’s very possibly not feasible, so normally either

  1. you build it to a design they provide (this is very common, you’d be being hired as a developer).
  2. you get someone else to design it (and “pay someone else to do the things {you can’t do|they can do more efficiently}” is how business works).

Note that number 2 includes buying themes – this is not particularly flexible, but it’s often what people do (configure WordPress for someon, add configurable theme, configure that, shove it on some hosting, done)


Have you heard of Adobe XD? It is free, and is made for designing UIs/ UXs for a wide variety of devices such as PCs, tablets, and phones.

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I like Figma. Ir allows you to export everything and piece by piece injecting the case code. Some tweaks is necessary though.

Download templates and start playing around with them.

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thanks so much for your reply. it is helpful.

thanks so much for reply. yes I konw it, but it is like photoshop. I already know photoshop but how to design a web page on photoshop or any alternative is what I do not know and it would take much time to learn. and I want to focus on code.

thanks for your reply.

It is and it isn’t. While Photoshop could be used to create layouts and UIs, Adobe XD was built specifically for that purpose. There are many tools inside XD that make app design and web design a lot easier. For example, you can define the structure of your project. Not only do you design all of the pages and/ or layouts, but you can also tell XD the relationships between them. So if you want to create an image on page 1 that links to page 2, you just do a quick ‘drag & drop’ and XD automatically sets it up. Now, when you click on that link in your ‘sketch’ of page 1, your page 2 ‘sketch’ will automatically be pulled up.
If you’re still not sure’ search ‘Adobe XD’ on YouTube. I am sure there will be tons of explanatory videos.