Found a dev job, after 15 months of self study

Do understand how to write a decent readme, it’s almost like makeup for girls.

In other words, unnecessary.

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Yea that line has me a litte :confused:

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Forgive me if I come across rude or blunt, but I felt irritated by your comment and couldn’t ignore it. I tend to take these kind of comments more seriously than others, apology in advance.

I checked your profile and see that you joined on Aug 17th 2020, and made one post on Aug 17th, asking people to partner up for your job transition.

The moment I see this, I thought, wait, does this person know anything about programming?

Quote below your exact words in your post.

I wish to transition jobs ASAP. Wondering if anyone would like to partner up to keep each other going?

Listen, if you have problem moving forward on your own, good luck in your programming journey. Programmers are 99% on their own, yes they work in teams, but don’t expect people to hold your hands and guide you to every answer you need.

Like, ‘Hey, how many hours did you study today,’ ‘Show me a project you’ve completed by the end of this week,’ things like that. I don’t know, I guess someone working towards a similar goal, ideally at a similar level, so we can talk about our accomplishments each day. Ideally, we motivate each other to keep on top the study schedule.

Here again, asking for support, no one will be there to partner up with you when you start your own career. Better start being independent now than later.

All this time you spend on trying to find a partner, you could’ve put that into researching, like readme file lmao.

Do you have any thoughts with regards to better ways to put it to practice? I am hoping to develop a portfolio that will work for employment.

Wow, I guess if you want to get employed, better look up how to write a decent readme file.

Put it bluntly, you still have very long way ahead, in your hope of career transition.

Discounting ReadMe file will make you look unprofessional. If you carry that attitude around, thinking something other people recommend you is “not necessary”, good luck trying to make any progress in life, not to mention career change.

I made a metaphor in comparing makeup with readme.
If you are going to interpret that literally, then I guess you lack the ability to read into ambiguous social jokes, lol.

No hard feelings, if you want to partner up with me, I’d be more than happy to.


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Replied to the original post, FYI.

No hard feelings.

So you write something offensive, I make a tongue in cheek joke in just a few words, and you proceed to cyberstalk my profile and tear me apart in a response saying YOU’RE offended, and then after insulting me repeatedly, say ‘no hard feelings,’ let’s partner up??? Frankly, I’m a bit surprised you’re allowed to post in this community.


Hence, my apology in advance, I do not know you in person, so I took your comment literally, regardless if it was a joke or not.

ReadMe files are important.

This April, I was rejected as a candidate after spending a week writing a project for a potential employer. In their comment, one of the review message was “Your readme file barely makes any sense”, was written.

Hope this drills home the message that, do not underestimate the importance of a readme file.

Again, no hard feelings, good luck in your learning progress.

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None taken, I just think the analogy is a bit distasteful as makeup isn’t important to many women (myself included). This was the first post I saw after signing up for the forum, so I was a bit shocked to read that and it leaves a bad taste in my mouth about the FCC community. I’m sure it’s not all like that, but yea bad first impression lol.

I get what you were trying to say, but keep in mind there are women learning to code, we’re under already represented in the community, so it sucks to see that we’re limited to just…makeup. It’s not really the “ambiguous” social joke you make it out to be. Anyway, the rest of your post was informative and helpful at least, so thanks. Will continue on my coding journey :slight_smile:


Hey all,

Let us remember to keep things on topic, and civil. The sad thing about text is it is difficult to convey intentions.

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Congratulations and thank you for sharing. Its refreshing to see this type of scenario. Bests of luck in the new gig!

Thanks for sharing your experience!! I’ve been struggling with programming for the last 6 month, learning HTML, CSS and JS. And It has been hard cuz I had no knowledge about coding or tech things. I hope to land a professional job someday and be capable of paying for my own studies in CS in a university here in Chile. Good luck with your new career! It’s actually a journey!

Thanks for this! I’m only 3 months in and feel like I have a looooong way to go.

This has been very insightful as I myself am hoping to get a job after reaching a level where I can deploy my own full-stack project in the future.

Do you speak Japanese or was this an international company? One of the countries I’m considering travelling to but working there seems like it’ll be tough.

Anyway all the best!


Wow, that is inspiring! I have learned how to code since late 2017, but had some really huge gaps in between because of school. Now due to this pandemic, I was able to focus, and built some web sites. But sometimes, I think they are just not enough. Or maybe I am not just selling myself out well enough? I have 6 fullstack projects that I think are really functional (including my portfolio site). Here is my site:

Should I continue and try my luck on finding internship or volunteering jobs? or should I build more fullstack projects? Hoping for great insights, @dulerong! Cheers.

congratulations! I find this very positive and inspiring.

Good job, man! Keep it going.

Seeing your post made me feel relieved that I wasn’t the only one who want to change careers and self-study my way through instead of going to college again. I’ve graduated with a health science degree and a realization I wasn’t cut for this path because I’m not very good at interacting with people. Hindsight is twenty-twenty and I felt my options for a career change are limited until a friend introduced me to freecodecamp. I gave it a try and found myself enjoying it, but I was uncertain if this will help complete newbies like me develop the necessary skillset to actually land a job.

This was really inspiring and thank you for sharing story with us!

I just joined this forum and read your comment, as I have still a long way to go and of this moment have not a clue what a readme file is . it is marvellous that a person lets us know that a readme file is important. So as a woman, who never wears makeup, with tongue in cheek I say, hope that my future readme file is verry flattering.
Good learning!

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Thank you for the posts.

How is the job market for software developers in Tokyo? Are they plentiful?

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Kabayan! You have awesome projects. I cant believe you still dont have work. You can show your resume.

Congratulations!! A very nice achievement, indeed!
Thanks for sharing such a detailed post about your
experience. Good luck with your new career!

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