Hey, just finished the first certification batch of projects, if anyone would like to take a look.
This is for beta, but i’d like to point out that i’m ignoring the test suite for now, as it felt limiting and just tiresome to fill the checkmarks. Also there is the risk that after beta the requirements might change entirely, so i see no reason to fill the test suite, for now i’ll ignore it entirely and adapt the projects when the new curriculum goes live.
Here are the projects:
Tribute page: https://codepen.io/Selhar/full/JWKZbL/
Survey form: https://codepen.io/Selhar/full/GWqXpO/
Product landing page: https://codepen.io/Selhar/full/WRqZjr/
Technical documentation page: https://codepen.io/Selhar/full/KWVwOq/
Portfolio: https://codepen.io/Selhar/full/pegvmw/
As usual, any feedback is highly welcome. The libraries i used are all listed in the portfolio project, just hover over the gallery.
As soon as i finish the next certificate i’ll post them here accordingly.