freeCodeCamp Product Landing: 2 Tests Failing - Help!

I’m trying to wrap up my project for freeCodeCamp’s front end certification and I can’t seem to make these two tests pass – and I’m pretty sure I meet the criteria. The failing tests are in the layout section, numbers 2 and 3 regarding the media inquiry and use of flexbox.

Link to CodePen:

Any help would be greatly appreciated — I’ve been troubleshooting this for hours! :tired_face:

Challenge: Build a Product Landing Page
Link to the challenge:

I just ran the tests, and they all pass for me. Looks good, too.

I just checked it out and all the tests returned passed.

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Probably the same thing happened to you, I tried it offline but not online, do the code test in codepen, it will probably say it is correct, click on Change view, then Debug mode.
and select and run the test there.debug mode debug landing page example
run the tests to see if that’s the problem.

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I got a similar error, I fixed it in the way I am explaining to you, try to see if it is the same.

Thank you! I guess I should have run the tests in CodePen before posting my questions :grimacing: I appreciate you checking it out!

Thank you!! Super helpful (and glad to hear I’m not the only one who hit this roadblock)