I’m creating Drum Machine project under “Front End Development Libraries” It shows error but actually i implemented it. I’m not sure what this issue is and why the test case is not passed… Pls help me on this…
Here is the link https://codepen.io/bvr/full/wvmxdZR
hello and welcome to fcc forum
your code passes 5 out of 8 test cases, look into those error messages, i’m sure you can get those resolved in no time, happy learning
thanks for your reply… i saw those error but actually i implemented it…
pls check attached screenshot for eg…
you can see that i have audio tag inside the .drum-pad… I dont know what i’m doing wrong here…
as you can see it’s saying you need to all those things to target “audio” element directly but you’re not!!
and also try looking into how “audio” element can be used in html in this mdn article, if you haven’t already, seems like your approach is different than what this “test cases” are designed for, happy coding <audio>: The Embed Audio element - HTML: HyperText Markup Language | MDN
Thank you… I fixed the issues…
February 25, 2023, 11:40am
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