Future career as... Who?

Hi, guys!
So firstly I’m glad to be able to join this fantastic community. I just have seen a few posts and I’m surprised how nice you guys are. :blush:
Now to the point, at the moment I’m 13 year old child and I don’t really know what profession I could do in the future. I have been interested in new technologies since ever but I became interested in IT, and especially programming, relatively recently. Somewhere on the internet I found information that python is the best language for beginners (please tell me if it’s true) so I downloaded python, pycharm, all that stuff and I created a few projects (some of them even worked) but without elementary basis, I won’t understand what it’s all about :disappointed:. Please tell me which language do you think is best for beginners, then what books should I read or what youtubers could explain the whole thing to me.
I would be really grateful if you guys reply. :wink:

There is not a single best language for beginners. I would just pick one course with one language to learn the basics. freeCodeCamp’s JavaScript curriculum is a good place to start. CS 50 is another good place to start.


Hi @JoeTheAverage!

Welcome to the forum!

I agree with @JeremyLT’s comment and would like to expand on this point you made here.

This comes up alot all over the internet but what they really mean is that python has simple english like syntax, and is easy to setup and run.

This doesn’t mean that learning python first will make programming easier.

For me, I started with Javascript then moved over to C when I was going through cs50.

At the end of the day, focus more on the basics of programming not the language itself.

When you are a professional, you can debate the pros and cons of different languages.

But as a beginner, it doesn’t make sense to do that IMO.

Hope that helps!


Hello @JoeTheAverage, welcome to freeCodeCamp!

That’s ok. If your just starting out you need time to gain the context as to what your doing. Programming isn’t something you learn in 5 minutes and are good. Heck you can spend years learning about it and not learn everything. It requires time, and grit to keep learning. As odds are there are things your not sure about when your starting, as there are things your not sure about when your years deep into it.

The key is being able to identify what you aren’t sure about it, and learn that specific thing. Keep this up and you will keep learning, and thus keep getting more and more experience. Don’t rush it, you got plenty of time :slight_smile:

If you started with Python, just stick with that. Going to another language generally wont make things easier to understand. Its widely considered that Python is one of the easier languages to learn due to its syntax being clear. So just stick with Python and learn the fundamentals with it. The language is just a tool to do stuff.

Now I think the kind of resources that would help the most are the ones where you do “cool stuff” with what your learning. However you might want to make sure you understand the fundamentals of the language as such a guide like this:

would be a good start, if you already know the basics, then going into freeCodeCamp’s videos on using Python should at least give you ideas on what you can do with Python:

Generally I’d suggest to go into anything that looks interesting for you. So if you want to go build a game with Python, do it. Or if you want to learn more fundamentals, do it. Or if you just want to learn more about the language in general, do it. Don’t feel bad if you “don’t fully get it” spend some time understanding what your learning, and you can always come back to it. Its more about getting exposure to what is out there, than trying to master any specific thing.

Keep feeding your curiosity, Due to your age, your hopefully years away from needing to apply for jobs, and thus years from needing job ready skills. As such any advice your reading online might not really apply to you or your situation. Lots of advice is usually targeted to people with limited time to change careers, and or expand their own current skills. Your at and age and stage where its more about building an enjoyment out of what your doing, which you can carry over when your older. :slight_smile:

I’d say at this time just program whatever you want, learn whatever seems cool, and try your best to learning more about what your doing. Feed your curiosity so it can drive you to learn about all things tech.

Stay curious, keep learning what intrigues you, and just have fun with it. The knowledge and experience will come with time. Just don’t try to force it and more go with the flow of learning :smiley:


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