Good web development courses on Udemy?


Does anyone know which web development courses are good to purchase on Udemy?
My web development skill is entry level. I know HTML5/CSS, Javascript, jQuery, PHP.
anyone can suggest some courses to me? or Anyone knows good web development instructor on Udemy?

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I’m currently working through this:

As a bit of background, I struggled through the tribute page, and then froze at the Bootstrap Portfolio assignment. Finding it very good so far (I’m about to start Bootstrap, so once I’ve finished that I’ll come back and start my portfolio), and if you enter the code THISYEARIWILL202 at the checkout, it reduces the price of the course massively (A$15 for me).


If you are interested in back-end, the Andrew Mead Complete Node course is excellent. Otherwise, I would just pick the top-rated course that covers what you want to learn. I think the Colt Steele course is pretty popular.


If you want to learn react you can’t go wrong with a course by Stephen Grider

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I’m doing the backend section, working with Express to create the first web apps. Colt’s course is really helping me to Go through FCC and I highly recommend this one. Hope to finish this course and FCC frontend in two weeks :grin:

I like Brad Hussey’s teaching style and speed. I learned a lot of good tips from his BootStrap to Wordpress course.

1 Like i’ll recommend this one to you, take a look at it, the price is awesome now for all you can learn, i took it in conjunction with the FCC curriculum.

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I am very interested in learning React, however I only know HTML CSS Javascript jQuery and PHP. Javascript and jQuery is entry level.
What language I need to learn except Javascript an jQuery before I learn React?

In terms of language you should only need JavaScript I would be hesitant to add jQuery myself as a pre-requisite (happy to be told otherwise, just my opinion).
Any of the above recommendations for React courses should see you pretty well.

I’ve finished the front end section of The Web Developer Bootcamp some time ago, and I can tell you that this course is just amazing, and covers everything from front end to back end. As @chrishussey already suggested, I’d highly recommend it. You’d need to complement it though in my opinion, so what I’d suggest is also doing FCC and working through the material in @P1xt’s guide. That’s what I’m currently doing, and while it does take more time, it’s definitely worth it and you’ll understand everything much better and have a better grasp of stuff.

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I too, am doing the WebDevBC and i like it. thanks for the other recommendations. @AmirF27 thank you for bringing up the guide, i bought a few courses on Udemy to complement my membership but this guide seems to be a great curriculum to follow

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Udemy has lots of web development services course some also free to use, you can select the best one according to needs: checkout the best COMPLETE WEB DEVELOPER COURSE 2.0 from Udemy

Isn’t Freecodecamp enough to learn coding?
and does this udemy course cover Back end also?

A bit late to the party, but after taking half a dozen Udemy courses I have to say the quality is really hit or miss.

The one course that stands out for me is an SEO course. It took my website from oblivion to first page search results on Google in my local marketplace. Gotta LOVE that!

Its Complete 2017 SEO Training With Top SEO Expert Peter Kent

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I have been working through Andrew Mead’s React course and have been very impressed with it. I’m currently 1/2 way through and have a good grasp on elements of React I had misunderstood previously.

I also now have a better understanding of SCSS, BEM, and Webpack.

Creating React apps from scratch is no longer a daunting prospect :slight_smile:

Anything from Maximilian Schwarzmuller - but especially

1)JavaScript: Understanding the Weird Parts :

  1. Advanced Javascript

3) Learn and Understand NodeJS.

  1. MongoDB
  1. Best React course on internet :
  1. If you prefer Angular , then

In my opinion, skip bootcamp and prefer more in-depth solo course.

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@deenjohn Have you worked through all of these courses? Could you be a little more specific about what you found useful about them?

I have gone through all these courses.
First of all , Udemy have a really good 30 day moneyback system if you don’t like a course.I have returned many courses i didn’t like.
Below is my review of the course i listed

1)JavaScript: Understanding the Weird Parts -
this course gives you a very solid foundation of Javascript.
Anthony Alicea is among the best teacher ( online , classroom) i have seen.He is extremely good at whatever topic he teaches.All his course( one on Javascript ,one on Node, one on Angular) are very highly rated by a huge number of students.He is not teaching you 5-6 different tech in one course.He teaches you only framework or language and he teaches you that thing in-depth.
Going through his course would give you a solid foundation to go through other advance course or JS books .
He even discuss how Jquery is written by going through it’s inner code.
It will shorten your journey of becoming a good programmer.

  1. Advanced Javascript : good for interview purpose as the most important JS topics are discussed in this course in detail.Most of these topics are already covered in above mentioned "JavaScript: Understanding the Weird Parts " course but still i found this course very helpful.

  2. Learn and Understand NodeJS

In my opinion, after Javascript you should learn Node because you would learn npm , creating a server etc which you are going to need if you want to full stack dev.
This course would give you a very solId foundation.I am a book person.I love to read book instead of going through video courses but i couldn’t find any node book that teaches you Node so much in detail.Tony covers all the detail of Node (plus a little bit mongo and angular).

Stephen grider is a very good teacher and covers all the mongo in detail , plus testing.

  1. Best React course on internet
    I like course which are in-depth instead of the course which gives you brief overview of 5-6 framework, tech .Just teach one thing in -depth first and in can learn rest of n things on my own.
    This course does that.This course is modeled on Tony Alicea’s teaching style(not by Tony though) and perhaps the best React course on Internet. I have gone through WesBos , Andrew Mead ,
    6)The Complete Angular Course: Beginner to Advanced

fantastic course .covers a lot of things but in-depth.

Start with Tony Alicea Javascript and Node course.I am sure you are going to start enjoy programming.

PS :I am not employed by Udemy or gain anything from posting these reviews.Whatever i wrote is what i experienced on my own journey to full stack dev.
Here is github profile :