Hello people !
I have left my previous job 4 years ago, making a “family move” and getting a more stable job in the public government of my city. The decision was hard to take because I really liked that job (I was a multimedia integrator. Doing everything from flash animations, audio syncing, 3D,etc).
Last week, my previous creative director contacted me on LinkedIn, he was curious about where I was, and the chat went on and on and finally he asked if I was currently happy in my current job position.
Which i’m not. I mean, the pay is good and the conditions are great, but it’s unmotivational, doesn’t challenge you at all, and you just don’t get anything by working harder.
He then proposed a Frontend web developper positon to me, working on frameworks I haven’t heard of before (aquafadas, adapt) all related to elearning purposes.
I wasn’t prepared in any way for this question as he then asked for a portfolio, which I haven’t really updated in 4 years. I then linked my Codepen, Blog, and anything that could help me convince him that my skills weren’t rusty. I mean, that’s something right? Getting back to a previous job and having to prove yourself again. SO, it turns out I have a Skype interview, with someone else from the job to keep it as neutral as possible.
I’m so stressed out! I mean, real anxious. As somebody said on another thread, I might have that Impostor syndrome. I’ve read a ton, just like you guys, for a year. I know JS. It’s just that…Nothing i’ve made is a real project. I think I get even more anxious knowing that it’s a place I’ve worked for 3 years, people know me there and they might expect something out of me. Problem is that it’s a completely new job positon i’m applying for, and I feel just like a junior getting out of school.
Interview is in less than 3 hours, my stomach hurts, my hands are shaking, but I’ll try to nail this! Stay tuned.