Got my first offer. Not sure if it's above my level or not

I just got a freelance offer today to work on a restaurant website. But it’s more on the admin side of things. Rather than just showing the menu for the customers, it’s keeping track of all the orders made, all the customers making the order, their address and so on.

I know we don’t have to know everything about coding before we accept a job offer. But that’s why I’m not sure I should turn this back down or not. I have experience in HTML CSS JS React.js and to a lesser extent, Node.js.

The person who offered me the job found me on facebook. I don’t have my resume up, but I have posted some of my projects there.

In a situation like this, you probably don’t want to build something from scratch because then they would need a permanent dev team to keep it running and updated. Probably what you would do is research which platforms currently exist for restaurant websites + ordering, tell the person who hired you what the ongoing cost would be, set everything up for them using managed platforms, and then teach them how to maintain and update it. You might do some custom styling, but you wouldn’t want to write a ton of custom code.

Actually, this site is prebuilt. He asked me to fix some bugs instead. It’s a MERN website and there’s a lot going on in the backend, so I’m not sure where to begin. I don’t mind learning, but the guy said he needs his website up by next week

Just my portfolio right now.

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The guy said he had a budget of 100 dollars. I did say that I would work on it for free, since it was the first offer I’ve gotten and my node.js knowledge is of yet, limited.

There are a lot more node files in this project than in my mern portfolio.

Will you be allowed to show the code you write to prospective employers?

No. The repository is private. I did say that I’ll add a library for him before going on my way. I think I’ll move on after that, however. I can’t open the project on VSC anyway because of the dependency conflicts. It’ll be better for the both of us.

You think I should go to full time jobs for now?

Did you take another freelance job after that?

Actually, there’s an app that I was working on since I was in Nursing school just last year. I won’t say what it is, but the goal of the app is to drastically reduce the time it takes to make the study material. Of course this is for subjects outside of nursing as well. I need to rework the redux code and design. But I’m proud to say I’m halfway there at least!

One thing though. Is there anything legal wise I need to know before releasing that app? I’ve looked on Google Play for apps just like and found none.

You don’t. Take the money, and learn what you need on the job.

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Do you mind if I ask where you work now?

Wouldn’t a shift at McDonalds pay this?

Turn it down.

I think I’m gonna have to anyway. lol

EDIT: That said, I’d rather not disrespect the client by talking about the job this way.

You definitely should. As we say in the UK, they’re taking the piss.

$100 is basically changing a button colour in css. The work described sounds like thousands to tens of thousands of pounds\dollars worth of work.

$100 dollars to change a button?? Sheesh.

I’m just trying giving you a gage on what the market rate is. Take the gig if you want…

Your account is anonymous and you haven’t mentioned the name of the client, who remains anonymous.

Who is being disrespected here?

You asked for help/advice on a programming forum.

Was that not a factual statement? It’s my understanding that an employee of McDonalds in the US would earn (roughly) this amount. If I’m wrong, I’m wrong.

The way I see it, he might have been as new to offering jobs as I am to taking them; based on the information I have, anyway. You are right, that the pay rate is too low. I just wouldn’t feel comfortable saying it like that in front of the client.

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I understand the desire to gain real-world experience. But at this level of pay, it should be a public repo that you can show off to employers as a portfolio piece. If it’s private, then it’s pointless.

I would say, if this is the money on offer, and you think it would be valuable to you, then it should essentially be your project that can give you leverage in the future. It can’t be in a private repo.

Obviously you don’t word things in the way I do in this forum, I’m just being blunt here.

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Thanks for understanding. And I’ll definitely take this advice to heart. I need to build my references up