Hello, this is my Twitch.tv website, I want to know your opinions. Thanks

Hello, I recently have finished this challenge and i would like to know your opinions, thanks.

my codepen

See the Pen YpbGGq by Hatim Sue (@hatimsue) on CodePen.

Hi @hatimsue,
I am not sure if I am doing something wrong but the links on this site do not seem to go anywhere and the all the Twitch TV’v were “offline”.

Having said that, I am new to freeCodeCamp and I not anywhere near this project so I am not actually across what the project entails.

hello @Arthurauthor

Thanks for visit my project.

The channels were offline because when you visited de project all channels were ofline, I hope.

About the links, in codepen the project works fine in firefox but not in chrome. The issue is in codepen, Iknow it because I have developed my project in notepad++ and when I have tested in chrome the projectet has worked fine.(in codepen) In the chrome console there are some erros but I dont know how to solve them.