Here it is, my very first site

Hello everyone,
I’ve just finished my first project so I would like to get some feedback from you guys so I could improve it and my future projects as well. Here it is:

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Nice job for your first project!! You are missing alot of whitespace that is really needed. I suggest adding padding to many of your elements. Like on the logo, the labels of the form and much more.

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It’s impressive considering it’s your first project. You just need to add some white space, and also change your cursor to pointer when the buttons are hovered. Great job.

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Kad kliknem na izborničku traku nigdje me ne vodi. Bar ne na mobitelu.

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Da da, nisam ni planirao da vodi negde već da bude u sklopu sajta kao element. Ovo sam tek onako napravio Home page tako da sajt nema ništa osim toga pa nema ni podstranica na koje bi dugmad vodila :smiley:

Hey folks,

although it’s nice to see people with the same cultural background here, we would love to see you write in English, so that other campers can also understand your posts and learn from them. Thanks!

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Got it, he just told me that the navbar buttons are leading to nowhere and I replied saying that they weren’t even supposed to

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Hey there,

congrats on your first project, you did a great job so far! :clap:

My ideas:

  • you can get a code validation here by pasting your HTML code into the body; you will see some errors, but most of them are recurring errors; I think you are able to fix them!

  • after you fixed the errors, you can increase the readability of your code by 1. clicking on the small arrow on the right side of the code box and 2. clicking Format HTML/CSS

  • you can increase the overall readability of your page by adding some more spacing, e.g. between the different inputs of your contact form; you can read about it here

  • on my wide screen, some texts are hard to read, because the lines are very long, font size and line height are rather small, e.g. here

Keep us posted and keep up the good work!

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Thanks a lot @miku86!
I’ll try to improve that, I didn’t even know that validator exists

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