Here's my portfolio, open for reviews

Hey everyone,
I proudly present you my portfolio (quite empty for the moment )

I first tried to do as much by myself, but I have to admit that everything easier with bootstrap ^^

What do you think ? Any advice ? :slight_smile:

on perso website
on codepen

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Pretty nice, i have to go and i can’t look too long.
One thing that botters me is that the text in the top navigation bar is not readable enough (white on lightgrey)

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Thanks, you’re right !
Actually if you scroll down it becomes more readable, but I change it right away

Awesome. But, in my opinion, your project on code pen is better

Thanks for your feedback !
So far, I change the nav bar font color on the code pen project only, I guess this creates a quite different feeling when you land on the page

this is off topic, I’m just desperate for help w/ Javascript. Ur website is clean though


No problem if you need help, just open a new topic so that someone with the problem can find your solution easily :slight_smile:

Looks awesome.:slight_smile: But i think you forgot to add target to “_blank” . so now when i’m clicking the contact links it doesn’t open in a new tab.

Thanks @RocktimSaikia !

Changed :slight_smile:

same with the social media links on your personal website

Excellent Work with the frontend! Good Stuff!
The Image in the background of a Macbook does not look too good to me, I am tired of having seen it so many times in different webpages, also when we scroll down and the nav bar transitions too fast to green color, it becomes hard for the user to keep track as to what all has changed on the Page

Overall its a good start, even I might use the same style for mine xD

Great job. Just a suggestion about forms you can use label with :focus to set font size on focus state like on google login pages when focus on name example then the font size goes about 75% and set top: - 10px; and text move up.

Great job!

there appears to be horizontal overflow somewhere… i can scroll horizontally

@CrazySession, noted, I will change it with my next update :slight_smile:

@Dev_Akhilesh Yes it’s a very classical dev site, what would you recommend as image/animation to personalized it ? (I don’t event own a mac ^^)
I’m not sure of you mean with scroll down transition … ?
Thanks ! Then I strongly recommend you the Material Design for Bootstrap :wink:

@bestdesign Thanks for the recommendation ! I try it right away :smiley:

@technicolor1 Yes, I’ve noted that too !! But I can’t get rid of it without canceling the scroll down effect … :confused: