I made this post about a week ago with the intention of psyching myself into focusing on the projects. Apparently, it worked out! I have just completed the ever elusive Simon Game. The code is far from pretty, but I’m confided that I got the core functionalities in. Now I have the lovely FCC Front-End Certificate
To share a couple of tips:
- As long as you’re already comfortable with HTML/CSS/JS basics, move away from Codepen and setup your local environment. Then use Github to host your projects. It’s never too early to practice version control.
- Write your learning experience in a journal / notebook / blog. Though you might have a high chance of not reading your posts, writing it down helps reinforcing the main ideas because it forces you to translate abstract concepts into plain and readable English.
- You can find another method, but I find it massively helpful to create a flowchart before writing a single line of logic. This is also the reason I finished the Simon Game faster than I expected: every “box” in the flowchart is already every class methods that I’ll need. All I needed to do is implement those methods.
###What now?
I’d probably wait for the beta process to end. I’d take this break as an opportunity to finish my other plans:
- Start and finish Interneting is Hard
- Finish this Dev Tips Playlist (my design skills are atrocious)
- Create an AI that’s geared to beat my girlfriend in Rock-Paper-Scissors
- Learn React
Hopefully by then, the beta is finished
Anyway, good luck to your endeavors, and thanks for reading! Have a good day!