Just to vent my frustrations out:
I’m only the Simon Game away from my Front end certificate. But I’ve spent a lot of time snooping around, trying to find reasons to delay my progress. Whether it’s a new mooc, a cool tutorial, or even a new language to try. I’ve actually been porting my codepen projects to Github Pages to practice version control, and that lead me to try SASS
and various node
packages for testing code. Sure, these tools are invaluable learning experiences. But after finishing some of my old projects, am I really adding value to myself by redoing these projects? I’ll be spending time and effort, and by the time I finished, I’m back to where I was before. And what did I accomplish? I just jerked my brain off into thinking that I did a good job finishing stuff that I already know.
So I decided to finally man up and do the Tic-tac-toe and Simon Game. The reason I’m redoing the Tic-tac-toe game as well is to write an unbeatable AI (my previous work just moves randomly), as well as to brush up on the hardest part of JavaScript for me (so far): Async functions. The whole concept still goes over my head.
Anyway, let this be the post to hold myself accountable. I know myself as someone that never finishes anything. The Front-End Cert will definitely change my outlook on myself.
Good day to all of you. Keep learning!